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Minutes northwest of Edmonton, Alberta - the supply and service center for Oil Sands, Energy and Mining in Northern Alberta
Immediate Highway access
Hwy 37 - major east / west industrial route linking ProNorth
eastward to the Alberta Industrial Heartland (Ft. Saskatchewan) then northward to the Athabasca Oil Sands Corridor (Ft. McMurray)
westward to the Alaska Highway (Hwy 43) and then all points north
Hwy 2 - major north / south industrial route linking Calgary to Edmonton and all of Northern Alberta
Planned Western Bypass portion of the Anthony Henday freeway linking the QE2 freeway south of Edmonton to Hwy 2 north of Edmonton - planned routing for the Bypass passes within 1/2 km of ProNorth Park with a proposed interchange for convenient ProNorth Park access
Natural gas, electric power and municipal water
Property septic systems to Sturgeon County rural standards
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